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Monster Island Commentaries

Sep 27, 2017

MONSTER ISLAND COMMENTARIES has risen again, and Travis & Luana have a lot on their minds as they watch 2016's SHIN GODZILLA! They discuss how the movie reflects recent disasters in Japanese history, various theories on how the new Godzilla's biology works, the different varieties of Fanta soda that can be found from country to country, how the podcast could transform into “The Weird Trav Show”, and more!

NOTE: To sync this commentary with SHIN GODZILLA, pause the movie as soon as the Toho Studios logo appears on-screen at the beginning. A countdown to press the play button is included in the commentary's intro.


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MEMORIES FROM MONSTER ISLAND – A Fun Stomp Through Toho's Godzilla Films:

TURTLE TALKIN' – Soaring Through the Films of Gamera: