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Monster Island Commentaries

Apr 20, 2017

It's time for turtle talk on MONSTER ISLAND COMMENTARIES as Travis & Luana welcome the friend to all children with 1965's GAMERA THE GIANT MONSTER! They chat about the various versions of the movie that came to America, why it's okay the enjoy the cheesiness of cheesy movies, the strange connection between Gamera and MAD MEN, the obnoxiousness of kid character/dangerous sociopath Toshio, and more!

NOTE: To sync this commentary with GAMERA THE GIANT MONSTER, pause the movie as soon as the Daiei Motion Picture Company logo appears on-screen at the beginning. A countdown to press the play button is included in the commentary's intro.

Just for Kids video previews:


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MEMORIES FROM MONSTER ISLAND – A Fun Stomp Through Toho's Godzilla Films:
TURTLE TALKIN' – Soaring Through the Films of Gamera: